*******Note that forecasts and outlooks in this post are NOT the official forecast from the National Hurricane Center (NHC). They are my own detailed views on the Atlantic tropics based on current observations and latest computer model runs. As such do not make decisions based on my posts...consult news media...watches and warnings from your local weather office...and any evacuation orders issued by local governments to make the most informed and best decisions. Visit the NHC website hurricanes.gov (hurricanes dot gov) for the latest watches/warnings and official forecasts on active tropical cyclones.**********
Gusty winds over southeastern Newfoundland... generated by the northwest quadrant of Earl's remnant frontal cyclone... peaked in the early morning hours of today and have since gradually declined as the frontal cyclone gradually weakens while now trapped beneath the center of the upper vortex it is interacting with where there is a lack of supporting upper divergence. However gusty conditions still remain over southeastern Newfoundland. The gusty conditions... as well as the coastal sea swells across all of Newfoundland coastline... will linger into tomorrow as ex-Earl meanders in the region. Afterwards the upper vortex and ex-Earl are expected to shift eastward and away with improving weather conditions to follow suit. This is my final statement in this special update thread... with my next update on ex-Earl and the rest of the Atlantic tropics to occur in a full update later this evening.
The following are Environment Canada (https://weather.gc.ca/canada_e.html) weather station observations of wind in mph (value in kilometers per hour kept in parentheses):
**St John's NL... sustained 22 (35)... gust 32 (52)... now
**St John's NL... sustained 37 (59)... gust 53 (86)... 3:30 local time
**Placentia NL... sustained 30 (48)... gust 39 (63)... now
**Placentia NL... sustained 39 (63)... gust 49 (79)... 5:30 local time
**Gander NL... sustained 22 (35)... gust 31 (50)... now
**Gander NL... sustained 24 (39)... gust 39 (62)... 2:30 local time
...SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 2022 6:20 PM EDT...
Satellite image as the sun sets over the remnant frontal cyclone of Hurricane Earl as it begins to lash southeastern Newfoundland with storm force winds... toward the left side of the storm where sunlight remains is true-color scheme... toward the right side of the storm where the sun has set is uncolorized infrared scheme. Image taken at 2040Z:

As of 5 PM EDT and with Hurricane Earl losing its thunderstorm and warm core... the National Hurricane Center has deemed that Earl has completed transition into a still-strong remnant frontal cyclone packing 85 mph hurricane-force maximum sustained winds. The northwest side of the frontal cyclone is now lashing southeastern Newfoundland with storm-force gusts exceeding 40 mph. Preparations for storm-force conditions in southeastern Newfoundland should have been completed by now. Also note that rough seas will affect the coastline of Newfoundland. Impacts to Newfoundland from the frontal cyclone are expected to linger through Monday as the frontal cyclone is forecast to meander in the region.
The following are Environment Canada (https://weather.gc.ca/canada_e.html) weather station observations of wind in mph (value in kilometers per hour kept in parentheses):
**St John's NL... sustained 30 (48)... gust 45 (73)... now
**St John's NL... sustained 28 (45)... gust 42 (68)... 16:30 local time
**Placentia NL... sustained 33 (53)... gust 42 (68)... now
**Placentia NL... sustained 30 (49)... gust 43 (69)... 16:30 local time
**Gander NL... sustained 16 (26)... gust 27 (44)... now
**Gander NL... sustained 17 (27)... gust 37 (59)... 18:30 local time
For more information on Earl and the rest of the Atlantic tropics... refer to full update #97 available on the home page of this site.